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Staff News

  • Public Holidays 2023/24 and The Coronation of His Majesty the King

    Public Holidays 2023/24 and The Coronation of His Majesty the King

    As a reminder the Council Public Holiday dates for 2023/24 are as follows:

    15 March 2023

  • Make 2023 the year you... stay cyber secure

    A look back at the ‘five P’s’ of cyber security, and the range of ways the Council works to keep the data it holds safe from malicious attacks.

    13 March 2023

  • Menopause is a workplace issue

    We know that talking about the menopause at work isn’t always easy. But the more conversations we have about the impact that menopause and perimenopause can have on work, the better life is for everyone.

    The menopause remains a taboo subject in many workplaces and with the majority of people who are experiencing menopause-related health problems being reluctant to disclose this to their managers, it is important for us all to increase our understanding of the menopause and perimenopause, and to better understand the impact it can have on our working lives.

    08 March 2023

  • Five year plan for Council agreed

    A strategic plan which will see the Council focus on growing Orkney's economy, strengthening its communities and developing local infrastructure over the next five years, was agreed by Councillors at today's meeting of the Full Council.

    The 'Council Plan 2023 – 2028’  sets out the key priorities for the Council over the next five years as well as the actions and projects that will need to be completed to meet those.

    07 March 2023

  • 10% council tax increase ratified as resolution on 21% funding disparity sought

    Orkney Islands Council's decision to increase Council tax in the county by 10% has been ratified at today's meeting of the Full Council - and comes with a vow to push the Scottish Government for a resolution to the long running disparity between the funding received by the Council and other island authorities

    Orkney residents will receive funding of  £360 (10.7%) per head of population less than Shetland and £707 (21.1%) less than Western Isles for 2023/24.

    07 March 2023

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