Local Place Plans
New planning legislation introduces a right for communities to produce their own plans, known as Local Place Plans, providing the opportunity for communities to feed into the planning system with their own ideas and proposals for the development and use of land.
These community-led plans will set out the aspirations of people for the place they live in and suggest solutions. By setting out priorities for future development in an area, Local Place Plans can also help communities to develop and deliver their own projects and bring about community-based change.
Once completed and then registered by the Council, a Local Place Plan will be considered by us in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.
Local Place Plans give communities a new way to have their ideas considered during the preparation of a Local Development Plan but are not part of the Development Plan. Proposals put forward in a Local Place Plan may be included in the Local Development Plan, but there may be other considerations which mean they are not. We will show why community proposals have or have not been included and there will be the opportunity for this to be independently assessed.
If you are a Community Council or community body interested in preparing a Local Place Plan, or you have any questions about Local Place Plans, please get in touch: devplan@orkney.gov.uk
Does a community need to do a Local Place Plan?
There will be many other opportunities for individuals and communities to have their say and input into the preparation of the Local Development Plan. We are happy to discuss the best way for your community body to be involved in the process. For example we could work collaboratively with your community to map your aspirations for improved infrastructure, services and identify future development priorities.
We will also take into account other plans such as Island Development Plans or other partnership plans which reflect community aspirations that cover many of the same themes as a Local Place Plan.