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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is the term used to describe methods of communication which can be added to the more usual methods of speech or writing when these are impaired or delayed. Further information is available in the leaflet, 'Augmentative and Alternative Communication', available from the Related Downloads section.

Signs for Orkney Schools

‘Signs for Orkney Schools’ is a signing course which was designed locally by a group of teachers, the Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapist who have an interest in signing and want to promote the use of signs in schools in order to provide a richer language environment.

Signing is felt to help children with English as an additional language, autism, dyslexia, speech and language difficulties and deafness as well as accelerating the language development of pre-verbal babies. It is a sign system, not a language, similar to Sign Supported English, Makaton and Signalong, and involves signing keywords as you speak. It incorporates some features of British Sign Language such as facial expression and body language.

The course comprises a mixture of short information sessions alternating with activities to introduce a basic vocabulary of signs and give confidence in using them. The emphasis is on fun!

The Language Unit

The aim of the Language Unit is to make suitable provision for children with significant levels of speech, language and communication difficulties. By means of the specialised teaching curriculum being provided, the key objective will be to maximise each child’s communication skills with the aim of full integration into mainstream schooling, for those who make satisfactory progress. Further information is available from the 'Language Unit Leaflet', within the Related Downloads section.

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