Finance Services
The finance team provides a range of services in support of the Council's key objectives. They looks after our funds, what’s coming in, what’s going out, how it’s being spent now and planning for how we can spend it in the future.
Our finance team incorporates a number of services that include:
- Budgets and Accounting.
- Insurance.
- Payments (Payroll and Purchase Ledger).
- Pensions.
- Revenues and Benefits.
- Treasury Management / Investments.
More information can be accessed from the 'More pages in this section' menu.
Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations set down guidelines for Officers and Members that the council requires to be followed. A copy of the Financial Regulations are available from the 'Related Links' section of this page.
Key Facts and Figures
This document summarises the key fact and figures of Orkney Islands Council. Take a look at our Key Facts and Figures.
Treasury Management Strategy Statement
The CIPFA 2021 Prudential and Treasury Management Codes require all local authorities to prepare a Capital Strategy report which will provide the following:
- a high-level long-term overview of how capital expenditure, capital financing and treasury management activity contribute to the provision of services.
- an overview of how the associated risk is managed.
- the implications for future financial sustainability.
The aim of the strategy is to ensure that all the Authority’s elected members fully understand the overall long-term policy objectives and resulting Capital Strategy requirements, governance procedures and risk appetite. The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement is available here.