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Mellissa Thomson

M Thomson

Contact Details

  • Ward: North Isles
  • Address: Cott, Eday, Orkney, KW172AB
  • Telephone: 01857622322 (home)
  • Mobile: 07587192575
  • Email:

How Best to Contact Me

Probably best to email as OIC mobile phone has very little signal out here in the North Isles.

Home phone is an option, via social media, or catch up with me on the boat.

Personal Profile

I probably should take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Mellissa Thomson, I am in my mid 40’s. I live on Eday, wife to Hamish, mum to Robbie and Jack. We farm at Heathercow and have the creel boat ‘Osprey’. I went to the Grammar School, stayed in the hostel, and came back to Eday and really got stuck into island life.   

Writing this personal profile brings back the similar feelings that I had in the election period in early 2022. I am not the kind of person who brags about how good they are and what they have accomplished. That is just not me. I am certainly not shy, I am a practical person, have been known to be blunt and ask the awkward questions. I have a common-sense approach and can’t be doing with things being overcomplicated just for the sake of it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my short time on the Council and thank the voters in the North Isles ward who put me there. I will do my best for them and Orkney as a whole.

Committee Membership:

Details of committee membership can be found in ‘Related Downloads’.

External Appointments:

Board of Orkney Ferries Ltd (and nominated as Chair)

Outside Interests

I work with the development trust on Eday, am on numerous community committees, part time postie and one of the islands first responders for Scottish Ambulance Service.

In my non-existent spare time, I love to cook with the favourite being a great big beef rib roast and all the trimmings made with all of our own produce.  They say we should all have a happy place, and one of mine is when we go fishing for haddo’s off Copinsay, nothing beats it. I try to do my bit towards the Orkney goose problem, I enjoy visiting other islands and spending time with family and friends. I also just like being at home.

I’m not a glass half full or a glass half empty person, I am just grateful that I have a glass in the first place.

I am not sporty other than clay pigeon shooting, the only painting I can do slapping paint on the underside of our boat. Used the play the fiddle many years ago, couldn’t act to save my life and I can assure you that you really wouldn’t want to hear me sing, although it might solve the goose problem! Now there’s a thought…..