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Joint Inspection Report of Adult Support and Protection

Date: 28 January 2025

Time: 12:00

Following a successful multi-agency approach by the Orkney Partnership, myself, NHS Orkney’s Chief Executive, Laura Skaife-Knight, and Police Scotland’s Orkney Area Commander, Scott Robertson, would like to thank all staff from across the partnership who have worked so hard to deliver an incredible turnaround of Adult Support and Protection in Orkney.

The hard work, dedication and commitment of staff here in Orkney has been recognised by Inspectors and every area scrutinised has received a green ‘significant improvement’ marker. That is a very significant achievement. Although there is still much to do and there are always areas for improvement, this inspection report provides reassurance that we are not only on the right track but making really positive strides.

The full press release on behalf of the Orkney Partnership is here for your ease. The Partnership services inspected are provided by NHS Orkney, Orkney Islands Council, Police Scotland and Third Sector agencies.

Inspectors commend pace of change and “significant” improvements across Orkney Adult Support and Protection 

“Significant” improvements have been made at pace across Orkney Adult Support and Protection thanks to a multi-agency approach by the Orkney Partnership, according to a Joint Inspection report. 

The Care Inspectorate, alongside scrutiny partners Healthcare Improvement Scotland and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland, found the Partnership’s approach to improvement across adult support and protection to be “comprehensive, embedded, well-structured and effective”. 

Inspectors further praised the “more positive working culture in Orkney” through the Partnership’s operating partner – the Orkney Public Protection Committee - and said the pace of change being delivered was "commendable”. 

Oliver Reid, Orkney Islands Council Chief Executive and Chair of the Public Protection Chief Officers’ Group, said the Partnership and the Chief Officers Group had prioritised its review of Adult Support and Protection in Orkney. 

“Orkney was one of six partnerships across Scotland where weaknesses were identified during phase one of the joint inspection programme requested by the Scottish Government into Adult Support and Protection. 

“We pledged to carry out this critical and substantial piece of work in a timeous and collaborative manner, and that is what has been done. I commend all those involved from frontline staff to Chief Officers in all of the partners. 

"The hard work, dedication and commitment of staff here in Orkney has been recognised by the Inspectors and every area scrutinised has received a green ‘significant improvement’ marker. That is a huge achievement, and my thanks go to all the staff and partners involved. 

“This is a service that everyone can now be justifiably proud to work in or be involved with, knowing that they have played a role in achieving this much strengthened position.” 

Inspectors scrutinised the records of 11 adults at risk of harm whose journey had progressed to an inquiry and met with 34 members of staff to discuss improvements they had made to the delivery of key process and strategic leadership for Adult Support and Protection. 

In all six areas inspectors found that significant progress had been made: 

Strategic leaders should ensure the delivery of competent and effective adult support and protection key processes for all adults at risk of harm in line with their statutory responsibilities. 

Risk assessment, chronologies, investigations, and protection planning all require immediate improvement. 

Change and improvement following the independently commissioned review by the partnership in 2021 needs to be accelerated. Adult support and protection should be a critical improvement priority for strategic leaders across the partnership. 

The partnership’s strategic oversight of progress should be strengthened. Effective governance and quality assurance arrangements are needed to support improvements in practice. 

Strategic planning and decision-making should be informed by the lived experience of adults at risk of harm and their unpaid carers. 

Orkney Health and Care Chief Officer, Stephen Brown, said: “New procedures and guidance were introduced in 2023 which has been supporting staff to undertake their critical adult support and protection roles. This has been further aided by a range of new tools, templates and protocols around specific areas of adult protection practice. 

“Examples include financial harm, hoarding, and chronologies. In addition to this an interagency referral discussion process was put in place and a comprehensive approach to reviewing all vulnerable person referrals in weekly meetings with the police. This has created a strong collaborative approach to key processes. These initiatives were supported by a training framework and a strong commitment from managers to improve practice. 

“This much improved inspection report follows on from a series of positive Care Inspection reports across the Council's Children and Families Service. This, again, gives me confidence that a more stable staff team in place is making great headway in turning around services which had been challenged.” 

NHS Orkney Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery, AHP’s and Chief Officer Acute, Sam Thomas, added: “Inspectors have recognised the significant effort from across the Partnership and the commitment from everyone involved to ensure effective processes are in place to protect some of our most vulnerable people in Orkney. 

“The report provides reassurance that we are not only on the right track but making really positive strides. We will continue to build on the positive work undertaken this far.” 

Police Scotland’s Area Commander for Orkney, Chief Inspector Scott Robertson, said: “It was pleasing to note that Inspectors found Police staff were clearly and positively involved in Adult Support and Protection and described the processes as effective following submission of a concern. The report further highlighted the Police Concerns Hub in Inverness and how it facilitates useful and effective multi-agency weekly meetings to review vulnerable person database referrals, which has enhanced interagency working relationships. We remain committed to building upon and strengthening even further our effective partnerships to protect people in Orkney.” 

Inspectors stated in the report: “Overall, the Orkney Public Protection Committee and wider Partnership had invested significantly in making and supporting improvements around the Adult Support and Protection agenda, which was clearly a priority for the Partnership.” 

The Care Inspectorate will continue to engage with the Orkney Partnership. 

The full review is published and available from today, 28 January 2025 from



Kind regards





Oliver D Reid

Chief Executive

  • Category:
    • Orkney Health and care