Dignity at Work
Date: 7th December 2023
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
The Dignity at Work policy and procedure has recently been reviewed and has been updated to reflect best practice guidance and legislative changes. All Managers and Supervisors need a broad understanding of this policy and procedure to enable them to have the knowledge, management skills and confidence to deal with any situations which may arise in the workplace.
This awareness training will include the following:
- provide appropriate training and guidance for all individuals involved in the handling of bullying and harassment complaints.
- ensure that Managers and employees understand and recognise bullying and harassing behaviours in the workplace e.g. what is workplace bullying and harassment and what it is not
- what managers should do to reduce the likelihood of bullying and harassment and deal with any complaints that may arise.
- understanding the difference between strong management and bullying behaviour.
These sessions will be presented by Craig Walker, Service Manager (HR Operations) and Ashleigh Gillespie Senior HR Adviser and is aimed at all employees with line management responsibilities.