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Staff News

  • A Christmas Message from Oliver Reid, Chief  Executive

    A Christmas Message from Oliver Reid, Chief Executive

    For those who will be working over the break, continuing to support and protect our communities, I give my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. I hope that you too can find some time to enjoy the festivities alongside colleagues and service users.

    Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your families for 2024!

    20 December 2023

  • First set of finalists selected for VIP Awards

    First set of finalists selected for VIP Awards

    Over the past few months, employees, customers, and communities have been nominating colleagues across the three categories below. Our VIP Selection Panel have been reviewing these nominations and have selected the following finalists for each category in this round

    19 December 2023

  • Feedback request - Improving Meetings

    Meetings are an important tool for us across the Council. We have however had a lot of feedback saying there are too many meetings and they are not always as effective as they could be. We are therefore looking at how we can improve meetings for all of us. The focus is on officer meetings as Committee Meetings have their own governance and protocols. 

    15 December 2023

  • Glaitness Centre Christmas Decorations Appeal

    Glaitness Centre Christmas Decorations Appeal

    Do you have any Christmas decorations that you don't use anymore?

    17 November 2023

  • Inclusive Employers Week Scotland 2023

    Inclusive Employers Week Scotland 2023

    Inclusive Employers Week Scotland is here and is a great opportunity for us all to increase our knowledge and insight on recruiting and retaining disabled talent.

    During this week the Scottish Union of Supported Employment (SUSE) are hosting a series of online information sessions and taster training to help employers across Scotland to recruit and retain disabled talent.

    13 November 2023

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