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We invite you to join us for our first ever VIP Awards Final - Book your place now

Date: 17 June 2024

VIP Awards Header

This will be your chance to help us celebrate the fantastic work that all of our many services do for the people of Orkney.

We would love you to join us, so check with your line manager first and if you can make it book your tickets now as places are limited.

Book your place now

We will be showcasing all of our finalists in our three award categories:

  • Customer focus - This award will bring to life real examples of individuals or teams who show they really care about customers, colleagues and our communities. People who build relationships and who put people at the heart of everything they do.
  • Working together - This award will be given to individuals or teams who have excelled at working together for the good for the wider Council, for our customers and our communities. True teamwork is about co-operation, breaking down barriers and getting the best out of everyone.
  • Creativity - This award is to recognise individuals or teams who bring about change leading to clear benefits for customers, colleagues and our communities. It’s for individuals or teams who show commitment to improving and developing themselves and the work they deliver.

Here is what to expect on the day:

  • 3pm - Registration, refreshments and mingling
  • Take your seats for the award ceremony
  • After - Group photos and congratulations!  

Date: 21 June 2024

Location: The Orkney Theatre, KW15 1QN

Book your place now

  • Summary:

    This will be your chance to help us celebrate the fantastic work that all of our many services do for the people of Orkney.

    We would love you to join us, so check with your line manager first and if you can make it book your tickets now as places are limited.

  • Category:
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