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Staff Values video - James Wylie talks about Creativity

Date: 28 June 2023

Following the videos we shared with you last last week about the staff values, we’re delighted to share with you the final video in the pack, a short video from James Wylie, Corporate Director for Education, Leisure and Housing.

In his video James talks about the ‘Creativity’ value and why it was chosen as one of our five core values. For this value we state that ‘we embrace innovative solutions with a drive to improve ways of working'. In his video, James talks about what creativity is and gives a couple of great examples of creativity in action, including one from the pandemic.

Hear from James here –

Last week we also shared videos from:

You can read more about the staff values here -

  • Summary:

    The final video in the Staff Values pack -  James Wylie, Corporate Director for Education, Leisure and Housing, talks about Creativity and why it is one of our five core Values..

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