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Saving energy - little tips to make a huge difference

Date: 03 February 2023

In the next of our series looking at small changes we can make at work to make big impacts for the Council as a whole – we’re looking at energy usage.

Like householders and businesses across the UK, the council is facing a huge increase in its energy and fuel bills - and we need all staff to help in cutting those costs a bit.

In the 2021/22 financial year, the Council’s annual spend on electricity was £2.1m. In this financial year, the spend is likely to be £2.6m - some 24.9% higher. We are likely to see expenditure rise to £4.18 million in 23/24 and £5.60m in 24/25. And of course the price of other sources of energy, such as oil and therefore fuel for vehicles and ferries, are increasing too.

So have a look at some ideas below, and implement one or two today. When that comes naturally, start on another.

You’ll shortly see posters appearing throughout our offices to help remind you of some of these tips.

Hone in on heating:

  • The Energy Savings Trust estimates heating accounts for 40% of electricity costs in workplaces. Here are some simple ways you can help reduce heating costs at work:
  • Turn down the thermostat before opening windows.
  • Ensure radiators are free from obstructions.
  • Ideal working temperatures for most offices are around 19 degrees - although areas of high physical activity might be more comfortable cooler.
  • Consider speaking to colleagues in your workspace about turning the heating down a smidge and layering up instead - 1°C of overheating can increase the cost of energy by up to 8%.

Other power saving tips include:

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  • Switch off monitors and printers/copiers etc at the end of the day (don't leave them on 'standby').
  • If you have a computer in the office please leave it powered on and 'locked' when you leave for the day. It will enter power save mode, but will still allow IT to 'wake' it overnight to perform essential software security changes to your machine for cybersecurity reasons. When a computer is in power save mode it uses very little power.
  • Go paperless! It can save money, keeps offices tidy, and reduces risk of confidential information being left out.
  • For some workshop equipment, small adjustments to settings can save power – speak to your supplier or manufacturer.

Use a fleet vehicle?

These energy saving tips can help the Council save money (and are good practice for any vehicle you drive):

  • Tyre pressure - just 1psi can affect fuel usage by 3% - check pressure when you refuel.
  • Maintenance - dirty air filters and work spark plugs affect consumption by between 5 and 10%. We service Council vehicles regularly but this is a good one to keep in mind at home.
  • Avoid high speeds - as little as 5mph can affect fuel economy by up to 23%.
  • Be a smooth driver - braking smoothly, avoiding high revs and anticipating the road all have a huge impact - up to 60%.
  • Use internal ventilation systems instead of airconditioning.
  • Try to combine trips and avoid unnecessary ones.
  • Make sure your fuel cap is properly screwed on after every fill up. Get this wrong and you're effectively letting money evaporate.

We hope this has given you some ideas to take forward.

Meantime, we welcome feedback on our staff communications and ideas for future topics are welcome – please drop the Communications team an email.

  • Summary:

    In the next of our series looking at small changes we can make at work to make big impacts for the Council as a whole – we’re looking at energy usage.

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