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Recruitment Incentive Schemes Launched

Date: 17 June 2024

We Care

At Orkney Islands Council we are incredibly lucky to have a hard working and dedicated workforce – but we need more people to join it!  


This is particularly true for our social care service.  


There is a shortage of carers joining the profession across the country and we are struggling to recruit.  This has led to an increased reliance on agency staff – which impacts significantly on our budgets and on the continuity of care for our service users.  


This week, we are launching two financial incentives schemes designed to encourage more people to join our care workforce – making it sustainable for the future and reducing the pressure on our existing staff.  


The ‘Refer a Friend’ scheme is an initiative to encourage existing employees of the Council to recommend a career in social care within specific settings to friends, family or former colleagues.  If that person then successfully applies for, takes on a role and remains in the role for three months, then the referrer will receive a £750 payment.  Even if you don’t work in a social care – you can still ‘refer a friend’*. 


The ‘Golden Hello’ scheme will be a one-off financial payment of £2000 and will be offered to those taking on social care roles in specific settings, who are either new to care work or returning to care work after time away*.   

The specific roles which will qualify for the payments are Care at Home Assistants, Care Organisers, Mobile Community Responders and Social Care Assistants in adult residential units and supported living accommodation*.   


Find out more at  


* Subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Golden Hello and Refer a Friend Pilot Schemes. 

  • Summary:

    At Orkney Islands Council we are incredibly lucky to have a hard working and dedicated workforce – but we need more people to join it!  


    This is particularly true for our social care service.  


    There is a shortage of carers joining the profession across the country and we are struggling to recruit.  This has led to an increased reliance on agency staff – which impacts significantly on our budgets and on the continuity of care for our service users.  

  • Category:
    Orkney Health and Care
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