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Recent updates to our Staff Hub - Learn the Value

Date: 10 November 2023

Time: 15:00

Staff Hub

Two sections of the Staff Hub website have been recently updated to help you get the information and tools you need wherever you are.

The Staff Hub brings together links to the main systems and tools you need along with relevant downloads and information all in one place.

Along with our brand guidelines and templates launched in June you will now find a section on Our Values which includes videos from the leadership team, graphics, posters and managers toolkit.

We have also updated the Learning section with a new course calendar so you see if there is any training you would like to sign-up for.

If you have any suggestions or articles you would like to see on the Staff Hub drop and email to    

  • Summary:

    Two sections of the Staff Hub website have been recently updated to help you get the information and tools you need wherever you are.

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