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Message from the Chief Executive - Bad Weather Thanks

Date: 22 January 2024

Time: 11:00

Oliver Reid

Dear all

Last week saw a fantastic team effort across Council services in responding to the challenges of the weather conditions.  I’m incredibly proud of the response of Council staff and our partners and the way we worked together to support and protect our communities. 

In particular I want to put out a heartfelt thanks to all those working on the front line in very challenging conditions and those who help manage and coordinate these services.

The Roads and Waste team put in a mammoth effort to keep our Roads open and to help those who needed to make essential journeys, including supporting the emergency services as they responded to those in need. 

In our Care services I know staff made extra efforts to get to and from work in order to look after those in our residential facilities, and those in Care at Home braved the conditions to make essential visits to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

In Education, staff in Papdale Halls of Residence went above and beyond to ensure the safety and welfare of Isles pupils who were unable to travel home following the closure of schools.

These are just a few examples of the exceptional efforts made by Council staff and beyond and I know that so many of you will have been involved in other ways supporting the emergency response.  Many thanks to you all.

It would seem like an opportune time to remind you of our staff awards scheme – the VIP awards.

VIP stands for ‘Values in Practice’ – with the awards aimed at recognising work which reflects and embodies our values. Any employee - wherever they work and whatever job they do - can be nominated from our many services, by a member of the public, carers, peers, colleagues, managers or mentors.

Nominations can be made online, by video or posted and nominees must currently be employed by Orkney Islands Council; they can work in any role, part-time or full time, within any team or service.

Finalists will be chosen by an employee selection panel from a wide variety of services and all different types of jobs. Finalists then get the opportunity to win at our annual award celebration to receive vouchers and a certificate. Read more about the awards here

Let’s hope the remainder of the winter period is somewhat kinder to us in terms of weather, however I know that if further challenges present themselves, we are well placed to respond on behalf of our communities.

Kind regards



Oliver D Reid,

Chief Executive

  • Summary:

    Last week saw a fantastic team effort across Council services in responding to the challenges of the weather conditions.  I’m incredibly proud of the response of Council staff and our partners and the way we worked together to support and protect our communities. 

  • Category:
    Service Disruptions
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