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Making Our Values an Everyday Reality

Date: 06 November 2023

Time: 09:00

Our People Our Plan

In 2021, we set out our ambition for changing our culture at Orkney Islands Council through the launch of Our People Our Plan; to have an organisational culture that inspires and enables our people to excel and builds our capability. There are many factors that influence successful culture change. One key element is to create clarity on the new habits and behaviours that will support our new culture.

Our Values

These behaviours are described in Our Values:

People: We put our colleagues and communities at the heart of everything we do

Unity: We are one Council and achieve more when we support, encourage and value each other

Trust: We trust, respect and empower each other and act with honesty and integrity

Ownership: We take personal and shared responsibility, are transparent and are accountable for our actions and our impact

Creativity: We embrace innovative solutions with a drive to improve ways of working 

Our Values help to describe the everyday habits that we want to see and experience at work. For any new, long-term habit to be successful, there needs to be a safe environment for people to try out and practice these behaviours.


We all play an important role in the success of changing our culture. Your manager will be inviting you to join team discussions about Our Values and how we can really make these an everyday reality.  

As this is such an important initiative we are encouraging you to attend these sessions to help to shape a workplace where we can all thrive.

If you have any feedback or questions in relation to this then you can contact your manager or the Organisational Development team at

  • Summary:

    In 2021, we set out our ambition for changing our culture at Orkney Islands Council through the launch of Our People Our Plan; to have an organisational culture that inspires and enables our people to excel and builds our capability.

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