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Help us be Investors in People

Date: 13 December 2022

You may recall last month we advised you the Council has embarked on the journey to become a recognised member of the Investors in People (IIP) community.

Investors in People provides a framework to support organisations across the world to improve performance through people. Accreditation is held by over 15,000 organisations across 75 countries and you can find out more by visiting

An online survey has been sent to all staff who have an email registered with the Council’s payroll system. (This could have been either your work email address or a personal email address).

To those who have already completed the survey, thank you for taking the time.

If you have not responded, can we urge you to take a moment now to do so, to help us make meaningful improvements for our current and future staff.

The survey is entirely confidential with responses going direct to Investors in People and we’d urge you to be as open and honest as possible – it should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey closes on Friday this week (16 December 2022) at 5pm.

A link to the survey (and a series of reminders) has been sent directly to you by Investors in People, from – please check your work email inbox.

If you’ve not noticed the emails coming in, you may need to use the ‘Search’ function and / or check both your ‘Focussed’ and ‘Other’ views. For personal email addresses, you may need to check Junk / Spam and unfocussed options too.

If you have any further enquires regarding the survey you can contact Nicola Fyffe, OIC’s Organisational Development Adviser: or extn 3303, or speak to your manager who may be able to help you locate your unique survey.

  • Summary:

    An online survey has been sent to all OIC staff who have an email registered with the Council’s payroll system reminding them to take part in the Investors in People survey.

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