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Cybersecurity - please be extra vigilant

Date: 08 November 2023

Time: 15:00

Cyber Security

From news reports you will possibly be aware of the significant incident that colleagues at Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar are experiencing. ( Cyber attack hits council computer systems at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar - BBC News )

This drives home the point to us all that we need to continue to be very vigilant. May I ask that you do not open emails and attachments that you are unsure of – remember we prefer you ask for advice than take the risk. At this time western Isles Council will probably not be emailing out, so may we ask that you are very cautious and while this incident is ongoing we don’t open emails from their domain

Please also ensure you are using strong passwords and if you feel one of your work ones has been compromised please say, we will be only too happy to change it for you.

And lastly, but of most importance I wish to thank you all for working with us to keep OIC’s data safe, even though we have many security devices in place it is ensuring that good practice is maintained that makes the difference and I know it does take extra effort.

Thomas Aldred

ICT Services Manager

  • Summary:

    From news reports you will possibly be aware of the significant incident that colleagues at Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar are experiencing.

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