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Branding Guidelines Launch

Date: 08 June 2023

Branding Logo

The communications team can offer advice and support on the use of the guidelines so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at – we’re more than happy to help.  Similarly if you have feedback on the guidelines we’d love to hear from you.

Why is branding important?

A brand is a lot more than just a logo -  it is also how an organisation is perceived by the outside world. How we present ourselves in words, colours and imagery can help build a brand.  Having a consistent style nurtures trust and recognition.  This is key when we need to deliver key messages and communications to our audience and to improve understanding around the breadth of services this organisation provides.

To help you do this we have created Brand Guidelines for you to follow along with templates that you can use when you are creating new documents or presentations.  You can view the guidelines on the Staff Hub at or on the OIC Intranet.

Where do I access logos and templates?

Logos and templates are available to download and use at  

You don’t have to stick with the image on the front cover of the template.  This can be replaced with one of your own.  We will soon be adding some more images for you to choose from. 

You can also delete or duplicate the coloured sections to suit your document.  There are plainer ones to use as well if you would prefer.

Logos are only available on the OIC Intranet to safeguard their use, but you can request them by email in any format from

What else is available?

You will also find a style board, desktop backgrounds and a quick reference card so that you can have the main details at hand whenever you need them.

We have also created a series of backgrounds for you to use in Teams meetings.  These are only available on the OIC Intranet.  We will be adding more backgrounds soon but if you would like something different created then just get in-touch with   

  • Summary:

    The communications team can offer advice and support on the use of the guidelines so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team at – we’re more than happy to help.  Similarly if you have feedback on the guidelines we’d love to hear from you.

    Why is branding important?

    A brand is a lot more than just a logo -  it is also how an organisation is perceived by the outside world. How we present ourselves in words, colours and imagery can help build a brand.  Having a consistent style nurtures trust and recognition.  This is key when we need to deliver key messages and communications to our audience and to improve understanding around the breadth of services this organisation provides.

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