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A Christmas Message from Oliver Reid, Chief Executive

Date: 20 December 2023

Time: 10:00

Oliver Reid

Good Morning,

As we reach the final days before Christmas, I look back to this time last year and the excitement my family and I were feeling about our forthcoming move to Orkney.

Listening in to Around Orkney in the run up to last years festive break we were amazed by the number of community activities that were taking place – and we were very much looking forward to enjoying it ourselves this year.

Orkney has very much lived up to our expectations!

I knew before I took on the job that I would not only be living in an incredible place – but also be heading up an incredible organisation. 

Over the last year I've discovered the tremendous talent, creativity and energy that lies at the very heart of this Council. The team commitment to making life better for everyone in Orkney is unrivalled by any other place I have worked and I am hugely proud of all that has been achieved by you all this year - despite the challenging circumstances.

My first year at Orkney Islands Council as your Chief Executive has been one of the most rewarding of my career in public service.

The opening of the Scapa Flow Museum and the ‘Hoy on Hoy’ event in April will live long in my memory, as will attending the International Island Games in Guernsey in the summer to see first-hand the scale and energy of the event that will take place in Orkney in 2025.

My ongoing privilege throughout this year however, has been getting out and about to visit our local communities and services and to meet so many of you in person. 

As well as meeting colleagues in services across mainland Orkney in the last few months I have been lucky enough to visit North Ronaldsay, Westray, Burray and St Margaret’s Hope to see some of our key sites and speak with our talented staff teams and residents in these areas.  At every turn, I’ve been hugely impressed by the professionalism, enthusiasm and dedication of our staff in delivering the absolute best for Orkney.  I look forward to meeting more of you in 2024 – and already have visits to Sanday and Eday planned for the new year.

As we look to 2024, the financial projections that are coming from Government do of course present a difficult picture and our budget setting in February will not be an easy task for officers or elected members - with some very difficult decisions to be made around how we continue to provide the services that matter most to local people.

This will mean changes to the way we do things. Whilst it will be a challenge, I have full confidence that the experience, creativity and dedication of the staff team will shine through – and that we’ll come through it together.

For now, I would simply like to thank you all for your hard work and commitment and for the support that you have shown me and my family, helping us settle in Orkney.

I encourage all those of you that can, to take a rest over the holiday - and enjoy some well-earned and necessary downtime with your loved ones.

For those who will be working over the break, continuing to support and protect our communities, I give my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. I hope that you too can find some time to enjoy the festivities alongside colleagues and service users.

Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your families for 2024!


Oliver D Reid, Chief Executive

  • Summary:

    For those who will be working over the break, continuing to support and protect our communities, I give my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. I hope that you too can find some time to enjoy the festivities alongside colleagues and service users.

    Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your families for 2024!

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