Development Management
These Development Management pages include advice and guidance on how to search for and submit applications; application types; requesting pre-application advice; how we deal with applications; commenting on applications; planning enforcement; and other Development Management matters.
All Development Management pages can be accessed by clicking on the 'More pages in this section' menu at the top of the page.
For information on planning policies and guidance, or for Building Standards, click on the 'Related Links' menu.
Contacting Development Management
All planning correspondence can be sent by email.
If you have a query regarding a current planning application and don’t have access to email, you can contact the case officer by telephoning the Council Offices and using the extension number included in application correspondence.
For queries regarding validation correspondence, payments or invoices, having received a neighbour notification, property naming, enforcement, application search or submission, or any other technical queries, you can contact Development Management by telephone, or by visiting the Council Offices during the hours 1000-1200 and 1400-1600 Monday to Friday.
If you require pre-application advice, enquiries should be submitted in writing. Advice cannot be provided verbally, either in person or on the telephone. Full details on how to submit pre-application advice enquiries are included in the ‘Pre-application Advice’ link by clicking on the ‘More pages in this section’ menu at the top of the page.
The Team
- Head of Planning and Community Protection.
- Service Manager, Development Management.
- Senior Planner.
- Senior Planner (0.8 FTE).
- Planning Officer.
- Planning Officer.
- Planning Officer (0.6 FTE).
- Graduate Planner.
- Graduate Planner (Temporary).
- Planning Control Officer.
- Planning System Supervisor and Gazetteer Custodian.
- Planning Support Officer.
- Assistant Technician.
- Assistant Technician (0.4 FTE).