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Culture Fund 2024-2025: The Ness of Brodgar Trust – Past, Present and Future Exhibition

Date: 12th February 2025

Time: 12:00 to 12:00

The Ness of Brodgar: Past, Present & Future exhibition was a great success, welcoming 62010 visitors. The responses of visitors, as detailed in the Museum Visitor Book, were very positive. We quickly filled visitor spaces on a series of special tours we gave to the exhibition. The book written specifically to accompany the exhibition has sold very well, adding useful monies to our funds, to recoup costs of the creation of the Exhibition, including specifically the design etc of the display boards. We believe that the message that archaeological post-excavation research is vastly important to understanding the whole story, was well driven home in the exhibition. We are particularly pleased that many of the information boards which our application funded, will have further life – this summer in the Maeshowe Centre in Stenness, letting visitors ‘’see’’ the Ness, despite the site itself being closed.

The Ness of Brodgar Trust must continue to raise funds to continue its work on the Ness of Brodgar assemblage, and having the Exhibition allowed us to emphasise that future work, to let visitors see how much support continues to be needed. Having the Exhibition has also given us an excellent suite of display boards to re-use in the future. Orkney Archaeology Society has had a film made about the exhibition which they will shortly launch and that too will continue to spread the word about post-excavation and fund-raising.

  • Category:
    Culture Fund