Culture Fund 2024-2025 Case Study: Soulisquoy Printmakers
Date: 23rd March 2025
Time: 12:00 to 12:00
The aim of the project was to provide support for Soulisquoy Young Associates to create a safe and welcoming space for other young people to meet and to develop their own creative practice with a focus on printmaking in a variety of forms.
‘The project has brought together a group who might not have had the opportunity to connect with one another outwith the opportunity. It has provided not only the space to be creative but also a platform for us to have fun and make real bonds with one another. The sessions have also allowed us to have vibrant and important conversations which have touched on often sensitive topics i.e. politics and identity, but have all been very respectful and supportive – and have felt beneficial to all of us.’ (Workshop Trainee)
‘This is the first time that I have had the opportunity to have conversations like these ones that we are having in person (not online!). I like meeting and talking openly with this group’ (participant)
‘It has been really amazing having the opportunity to explore different printing processes whilst reflecting on our own personal journeys as well as our collective one’ (participant)
‘It is such a special environment. It is very relaxed and process lead – and fun! We have such a laugh as a group and I think we all feel comfortable around each other’ (participant)
The impact of this project has gone way beyond expectation. Over the five years that our Young Associates has been established, it has evolved into an important aspect of our practice.
For us as an organisation, we aim long-term to build a new generation of printmakers, with skills and ability to pass those on to others. In addition, of prime importance is our aim to be inclusive and equitable for all emerging young artists.
As well as skills development, a critical, and perhaps more important outcome of this project has been its social side. All of those participating were people who in some way are quite isolated – whether that’s geographically, or through disability or socially. Their support and encouragement of and for each other has created new friendships and relationships and a secure platform for young people to be ‘themselves’. As a group these young people hope to continue to be able to meet at the print studio on a regular basis. An ambition that we will endeavour to support.
Category:Culture Fund