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Case Studies

  • VACMA: Martin Laird

    Martin Laird is an artist and animator from Orkney, working in both traditional and digital media. He says his work is primarily concerned with his own cultural identity as both an Orcadian and a Scot – adding that he is motivated by “a sense of social conscience and concern for the future.”

    Martin received a VACMA grant in 2020-21 and says it has helped him take advantage of recent advances in computer animation.

    1 September 2020

  • VACMA: Diana Leslie

    For Acrylic Resist Etching training at Edinburgh Printmakers to gain insight into innovations in processes:

    “Fundamentally I have ironed out conflicts between older ways of doing things and new ways. You can’t teach when you aren’t sure why things aren’t working right. I needed the expertise of specialists in my field. The award was essential to going away and doing the project. I couldn’t have afforded the travel, the course or the time without your support”.

    28 February 2020

  • VACMA: 2019-2020 Laura Drever

    “Without the award I would not have considered seeking additional learning opportunities. With the yearly membership being paid by myself it is unlikely that I would have paid the extra for tuition/courses. Having a good supply of materials ensured that I didn’t become too precious about experimenting and using ‘too much paper’ or fear of a plate going wrong and not having another to use. I also believe that being answerable to the grant has given me motivation to get back to Soulisquoy after the Covid lockdown. Being committed, enthusiastic and having a belief in how this project was going to help my artistic development ensured that I found a way to make it work.”

    1 September 2019

  • VACMA: 2019-2020 Marion Miller

    “I really couldn’t have got to where I have without the funding that enabled me to travel to spend a week between 2 great enamelling tutors in Edinburgh. I feel I have now developed my own style and have a range of designs which are unique to me.”

    Learn more about Marion's journey, in her own words by clicking the link in the article.

    1 September 2019

  • VACMA: Rosey Priestman 2018-2019, Gardemeles Museum

    "I used the award toward buying the equipment I needed to take photographs of my collection of found objects (and training). My creative practice has expanded with photography becoming a new and important element. The session with Rebecca Marr was very important, until this project I have always worked things out for myself, so it was a very positive and interesting experience to discover how valuable it was to receive instruction. Teran Community have asked me to do a feature on the museum and Simple Things magazine. I’ve been approached by a fashion photographer who is interested in a photoshoot/ collaboration and I’ve had interest from other museums such as Elgin, Pitt Rivers and the Fitzwilliam. The award made a critical difference as the Museum was not in my means without that financial help. It was also encouraging that my idea was accepted."

    1 September 2018