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Case Studies

  • VACMA: Cassia Dodman

    Funding used to train in welding practices with a local welder and software to produce professional documentation of practice as well as digital practice.

    "The award allowed me to be much more ambitious with my expectations and with the scale of my work. The project has been a good stepping stone to other opportunities as the work was exposed to such a wide audience and I have gone on to collaborate with other artists and organisations I met subsequent to the exhibition."

    1 February 2021

  • VACMA: Carolyn Dixon

    Funding granted for establishing ways to use intaglio in particular etching processes without impact on adjacent aquatic environments by developing an ecologically sound approach to intaglio etching.

    "The process of investigation has sharpened the issues that I and other creative practitioners face living on a small island. Certainly receiving the award acted as a direct stimulus to action and provided a (rare) sense of validation."


    1 February 2021

  • VACMA: Kirstie Bruce

    Funding granted to work with a mentor to improve knowledge and understanding of making glazes from raw materials to enable the creation of new colours and finishes in her ceramic practice.

    "I couldn't have done this project without the award. I could have made some basic glazes...but it would not have been successful and therefore not have had such an impact on my work."

    1 February 2021

  • VACMA: Leila Dearness

    "As an Orkney based illustrator and papercut artist, I am constantly inspired by my surroundings to design and produce work that reflects the spirit of the island and its inhabitants. My designs tell a story, expressed through the delicate and bold nature of papercutting. Each piece is hand cut with a scalpel to reveal the fastidious detail within the design."

    11 September 2020

  • VACMA: Alex Leonard

    Award given to enrol on an online course, 'Advanced Character Design' with Stephen Silver. The aim was to develop and improve illustration skill set.

    "The course was very useful in exposing some of the hitherto unknown bad habits I have picked up [...] and while it was sometimes difficult to take on board (!) it was a real eye-opener and has fundamentally made me a better designer."

    1 September 2020