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Case Studies

  • VACMA: Jeanne Bouza Rose – Visual Artist & Printmaker

    “Experimenting with a mentor in the print studio and specifically working with a new mono-print technique for the both of us, released a new form of expression for me.  The types of marks I used in the print studio stayed inside me and found a way out onto canvas while I was painting on site at the Ness excavation. 

    30 August 2022

  • VACMA: Kristyn Grieve – Visual Artist

    “I used my award to purchase materials, equipment and online tutorials for oil painting. My  main goals were to learn to paint with oils and to establish a regular practice for myself. I feel that I achieved this, though health issues and other matters got in the way of my possibly over ambitious vision of 2-3 days a week of study and practice. However,

    30 August 2022

  • VACMA: Laura Drever - Visual Artist

    “The grant received contributed to the costs of a new computer as well as professional photography of my work. With new software and skills I have been able to update my own website, successfully engage with meetings online, learn new skills including hosting an online exhibition.

    30 August 2022

  • VACMA: Samantha Clark – Visual Artist

    “During the month of May 2021, I was able to spend an intensive period of time working in the studio and exploring the use of new surfaces such as kaolin, mica and silver leaf, with a particular focus on the latter.

    30 August 2022

  • VACMA: Jack Whitwell

    Funded to undertake research and a period of experimentation in ‘photographic sculptures’: photographic installations that can exhibit in a three dimensional manner.

    “Using the research I had gathered I applied (and was successful) for the Balfour Transition commission to produce larger scale photographic sculptures to exhibit at the new hospital, which has taken the project to a stage I didn’t think would be possible. It has also pushed my practice artistically and professionally. The period of research was the most vital element of the whole project as it gave me a greater understanding of where I live and the history behind the place. The research project has developed organically into a larger more public fronted project that has engaged with a wide range of people. This wouldn’t have happened without the initial award that allowed me to undertake research and a period of experimentation.”

    15 March 2022