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Private Sector Tenants

All local authorities have a legal duty to ensure that good quality housing advice and information is available in their area. Orkney Islands Council does this through its Homelessness and Advice Section and by providing funding to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

The role of our Homelessness and Advice Section is to prevent homelessness by providing good quality, free, confidential housing advice.

Advice is available to everyone, across all tenure types, including owner occupiers and landlords. One of the most common enquiries received is from tenants in the private sector who have been served with a notice to quit and are not sure what their options are. Often these notices are not valid and the tenants have the right to remain in their home.

If you are looking for advice please visit the frequently asked questions. A link to this section can be found on the left of this page. Hopefully this will provide you with the answer you are looking for. However, should you have a query which is not listed in this section please do not hesitate to contact the Homelessness and Advice section on 01856 873535 or via e-mail.

If you are looking for a new private let please visit the Orkney Lets section of this website. This details properties available to let via some of the Local Authorities registered landlords.