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Workplace Health and Safety

Healthy Working Lives Initiative:

The Scottish Executive is looking to improve the health of the nation, and is targeting the places we work. It has launched a campaign called Healthy Working Lives aimed at Scotland’s workforce. There is a new Healthy Working Lives award scheme, which rewards companies' efforts and achievements in building a healthy workplace.

Workplace advisers from the 15 Scottish health boards provide free advice and support to businesses and organisations - which can win Bronze, Silver or Gold SHAW awards. Orkney businesses can call the national advice line on telephone: 08000192211 or contact the Local Adviser on telephone: 01856879803.

The Healthy Working Lives initiative can also provide free health and safety advice to small businesses, which is not linked to enforcement agencies or dependent on taking part in the award. The Local Adviser can be contacted on telephone: 01856888084.

Health and Safety Enforcement:

It is an employer’s responsibility to know and comply with health and safety law. Workplaces may be periodically inspected for compliance with health and safety legislation. Some are inspected by the Health and Safety Executive, others by the Council’s Environmental Health team.

For more information, please visit our Health and Safety page or the Health and Safety Executive website in the 'Related Sites' section of this page.