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Business Gateway LogoBusiness Gateway Orkney

Business Gateway Orkney, situated at School Pl, Kirkwall KW15 1NY, offers free and impartial advice to anyone wanting to start up or develop a business within Orkney.  The Business Gateway website and Enquiry Service can provide a wealth of information tailored to your business needs, and the local office can provide you with information on regular free local workshops or provide one to one adviser support if required.

Whether you are looking for support with creating your first business plan, getting the most from your advertising, thinking of expanding into new markets or taking on staff, why not get in touch to see how we can help your business.  Our local Business Advisers are happy to meet with you, all you need to do is get in touch to arrange a convenient time.

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Business Gateway is primarily an advisory service that can signpost and does not provide funding but we do have a wide knowledge of the grant funding available through the Council and other funding available elsewhere.  To help you find funding for start-up and development of your business in Orkney, the Council has a Financial Assistance and Advice section on the website that you may find useful (see related links).  Also the Business Gateway website has a Finance and Grants section with lots of useful information about finance and grants for businesses across the country (see related sites).  Business Gateway can help you apply for funding, so please get in touch if you need help.

How to Contact Us

You can contact Business Gateway Orkney in several ways:

Address: Business Gateway Orkney, School Pl, Kirkwall KW15 1NY.

Telephone: 01856886666.

Contact Business Gateway Orkney by email

Or you can contact the Business Gateway National Enquiry Service on 08456096611 – who can provide initial information, guide you round the website, provide a start-up pack and pass your details to the local team to arrange an appointment or book you on an event.