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Orkney LEADER Programme

Orkney LAG is being part-financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community LEADER programmeLEADER (Liaison Entre Actions pour le Developement de L'Economie Rurale - links between actions for the development of the rural economy) is part of the Scotland Rural Development Programme, which funds economic, environmental and social measures for the benefit of rural Scotland.

LEADER is a bottom-up method of delivering support for rural development, aimed at increasing the capacity of the local rural community and business networks by building knowledge and skills, encouraging innovation and co-operation, and attempting to tackle local development objectives.

Funded by the European Union and Scottish Government, the 2014-2020 LEADER Programme has been delivered in Orkney by the Local Action Group (LAG) who is responsible for the strategic direction and implementation of the LEADER programme in Orkney.

To find out more about Orkney LEADER visit the LEADER website from the 'Related Sites' section of this page, or contact the Orkney Islands Council LEADER team on 01856873535 extension 2811.

Please watch the short films of successful LEADER projects from the Orkney LEADER 2014 – 2020 programme.

Community Led Local Development in Orkney 2014 to 2020