Early Learning and Childcare
Welcome to Orkney’s Early Learning and Childcare web page. Here you will find information on our Willow Tree Nursery (0-3 non-statutory provision) and our statutory funded early learning and childcare provision (Local Authority Nurseries and partnership childminders). Our ELC policies can be found in the 'Related Downloads' section of this page.
If you still require to register for the current year please contact elc@orkney.gov.uk.
Funded Early Learning and Childcare (3-5 year olds including eligible 2 year olds)
Willow Tree Nursery (0-3 years)
Willow Tree nursery is a temporary provision for children aged 6 months to 3 years. Children can attend until they become eligible for a government funded Early Learning and Childcare place (the term after the child turns three) which is offered in local authority nurseries and with partnership childminders.
The nursery is open from 8am – 5.30pm and offers both full and part time places.