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  • OIC Leader has key questions for ferries taskforce

    Orkney Islands Council will have a number of questions to ask of Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop at a meeting of the 'ferries taskforce' in Kirkwall this week.

    15 August 2023

  • Young folk encouraged to sign up for digital resilience course

    Young folk encouraged to sign up for digital resilience course

    Young folk in Orkney are being offered the chance to learn how to better protect themselves online.

    An in-person Young Scot DigiKnow course is being run by the Council’s Youth Services Team as part of the summer activities programme.

    11 August 2023

  • Hup Show drive a success – but more candidates still needed

    Hup Show drive a success – but more candidates still needed

    The Community Councils team would like to say a huge thanks to folk in South Ronaldsay and Burray who stopped by at the Hup Show with an interest in standing to represent the area in the upcoming community council elections.

    The South Ronaldsay and Burray community council area – one of 20 around Orkney – has been without a community council for a year and to help instigate change and improvement, it’s important to have that presence.

    11 August 2023

  • Sanday paddle “invigorating” Smiddybrae resident says!

    Sanday paddle “invigorating” Smiddybrae resident says!

    Staff at Smiddybrae House continue to go above and beyond to make the time residents spend there special!

    During July, seven residents enjoyed a day trip to Sanday – only made possible by two members of staff coming in as volunteers to ensure it could go ahead.

    11 August 2023

  • Age is no barrier to learning something new and enjoying life!

    Age is no barrier to learning something new and enjoying life!

    That was certainly the case for a number of our supported older folk in the West Mainland thanks to collaborative working with the Orkney West Mainland Flower Produce and Industrial Show.

    A new category for assisted entries was created by the committee where people who have home care, live in sheltered housing, go to the West Mainland Day Centre or live in Hamnavoe House or Smiddybrae House can enter the show.

    11 August 2023

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