Waste and recycling revised arrangements for Monday 19 September
Date: 14 September 2022
A reminder of the revised uplifts for waste and recycling as a result of the national bank holiday for Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral on Monday 19 September.
The revised uplifts for each of Monday’s planned routes are now as follows:
- Area 6 recycling (plastic and glass) and the Westray collection will be brought forward and uplifted this Friday, 16 September.
- Area 1 recycling (plastic and glass) and Area 9 refuse, will be delayed until the following day, Tuesday 20 September, as will all trade waste collections usually collected on the Monday.
You can check what Area your household is here: www.orkney.gov.uk/mybins
Please also note that Cursiter, St Margarets Hope and Dounby recycling centres will also be closed, as will Chinglebraes Waste Transfer Station for trade.