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Warning over travel centre

Date: 17 September 2024

Time: 10:00

Travel Centre

Kirkwall’s Travel Centre could be subject to early closures again if ongoing issues around anti-social behaviour are not resolved.  

A series of complaints have been received by members of the public, left feeling intimidated by the rowdy and inappropriate behaviour of others, including instances of verbal abuse towards staff working in the centre and vandalism.  

This has included repeated setting off of the fire alarm requiring a call out to contractors to reset the system. 

There has been an increase in the number of complaints and concerns raised from staff and users of the building over the past few weeks, resulting in the need for action to be taken.

CCTV footage of specific incidents is now being studied by Police Scotland to identify the individuals responsible and it will continue to be monitored. Additional police patrols have also been requested. 

Back in March, a short trial was carried out in which the bus waiting area was closed from 12 noon on a Friday, following which staff from OCS security were employed after school times to be on site.  

Whilst having staff on site has reduced the vandalism within the building, this arrangement will be coming to an end shortly due to seasonal availability of funding.  

Councillor Kristopher Leask is Chair of the Council’s Development and Infrastructure Committee. He said: “Vulnerable members of our community are feeling intimidated and too scared to use the travel centre due to the behaviour of a small minority of young people using this public facility.  

“The behaviour has to improve – otherwise action will be taken again– including shutting the doors.”  

The Council’s Community Learning Development & Employability Service work continuously with wider partners to provide and promote opportunities and activities for young people, including the free activities at the Pickaquoy Centre, the Youth Cafe and at the Stromness Community Centre on Friday afternoons.

  • ‘The Hub’ at the Pickaquoy Centre – for Secondary School aged pupils, 1pm – 3pm
  • Stromness Community Centre Drop In, in partnership with Action for Children, for Secondary School aged pupils, 2pm – 4pm.

Additionally, the Youth Café is open to young people from S1 – 19 years, 12.30pm – 8pm on Fridays, on Wednesdays from 6- 9pm, on Thursdays from 4 – 8pm, and on a Saturday from 4-8pm).  

Outreach work carried out earlier this year saw Youth Cafe staff and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service engage with young people in the travel centre, with almost 30 of them then choosing to visit the Youth Cafe to enjoy the facilities on offer including activities, refreshments and free Wi-Fi.

Further outreach work will be carried out in the coming weeks as resources allow. 

  • Category:
    • Community