Take it all the way
Date: 2 August 2018
Time: 11:36
Orkney Islands Council is asking Orkney households to take it all the way when it comes to putting their bins out.
Bins should be presented ‘kerbside' - this means within two metres of the edge of the public road, and not contained within a bin store.
Bins should also be placed handles facing out, to minimise delays for our collectors, and be ready for collection by 08.00, as teams may change their routes week to week for operational reasons.
Darren Richardson, the Council's Head of Infrastructure and Strategic Projects said: “In the past we have gone that little bit further to collect refuse and recycling, from private driveways and access tracks, or from bin stores.
“But due to increasing demands on our service, and time constraints while on route, we are tightening up on our policy which asks people to present their bins right to the kerbside.
“When you are collecting hundreds of bins each day, having bins kerbside and handles out really helps us get to everyone we need to.
“If your bin is not kerbside, collection staff will assume it’s not needing emptied and it will be skipped over.
“We’d like to thank everyone in advance for their understanding and help in this matter.”