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Surface dressing update for 19 to 21 June

Date: 18 June 2018

Time: 03:37

The Council will be continuing surface dressing in the Wald Road and Hinderayre Road area of Evie and Rendall (Tuesday 19 June).

Once these sections are completed, the crew will move immediately onto Gorseness Road, working between Tingwall Rd and Hinderayre. It’s expected work on this section will continue on into Wednesday (20 June) and Thursday (21 June). 

Roads will be closed in both directions for all the above works and minor diversions in place, and there are no public bus services affected.

A general reminder throughout the surface dressing period that:

  • Roads will be closed in both directions while surface dressing is being carried out, with closures in place from as early as 06:00 and as late as 18:00
  • School transport buses will be escorted through the work sites.
  • Public buses will be permitted through work sites during peak hours only (before 09:30 and after 16:00).
  • Roads will be closed to all other traffic, with the exception of emergency vehicles.

Stay tuned to our 'OIC Updates' Facebook page and 'OIC Roads' Twitter feed for updates.