Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Places
Date: 15 November 2024
Time: 12:00
In accordance with Section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983, as amended by the Electoral Administration Act 2006, notice is hereby given that Orkney Islands Council is undertaking a statutory review of polling districts and polling places within the Orkney Islands Area of the Orkney and Shetland Parliamentary Constituency.
The Council is undertaking this statutory review to allow comments on the current arrangements and on the proposed amendments below to be gathered and thereafter consider if any changes should be made. In particular, the Council is proposing that the temporary use of The Pickaquoy Centre, Rendall Community Centre, Cromarty Hall and Milestone Community Church as polling stations during the last few elections is made permanent and that all other polling stations in Orkney remain as they are.
Representations may be made about the existing or proposed amended arrangements and their accessibility for electors or any other matter pertaining to the review.
The Council particularly welcomes comments or proposals from any person or body with expertise in access to premises or facilities for persons with any type of disability. Those making submissions are welcome to propose alternative venues for polling if they have concerns about current and proposed provision.
Who can respond to the consultation?
The Council would welcome any comments from electors who are registered within the above parliamentary constituency, candidates and agents, members of the Council and other elected representatives. In addition, comments are invited from persons or bodies who have particular expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for persons with any type of disability. Representations may include suggestions for alternative arrangements to be considered.
Consultation Timetable
- Friday 15 November 2024: Commence public consultation
- Monday 16 December 2024: Public consultation ends
- Tuesday 17 December to Friday 17 January 2025: Analysis of submissions and consultation with Returning Officer
- Tuesday 18 February 2025: Submission of final proposals to Orkney Islands Council
Explanation of terms
A polling place is the building where people from a polling district go to vote, there may be one or more polling stations (room) within the polling place
A polling district is the geographical area (sub-division of ward) in which a polling place is located.
How to Respond
You can submit a response to the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Stations Consultation by completing the online survey, emailing the election office; or writing to the Returning Officer at School Place, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1NY, or by telephoning the Elections Office on (01856) 886350.
All responses should be made by Monday 16 December 2024
Reference Material
The current polling arrangements are available for inspection during normal office hours at the above address, or by using the links below:
If you do not have internet access, the material can be accessed from Customer Services or if you require the information in any other format please contact the Election Office using the details above.
Returning Officer, Orkney Islands Area
15 November 2024
- Consultations