Sheltered housing consultation reminder
Date: 19 June 2018
Time: 11:13
A consultation on Orkney Islands Council’s sheltered housing service remains open until the end of June.
Sheltered housing is provided by OIC at Lambaness in Kirkwall and Rae’s Close in Stromness.
“As with all Council services, it is important that we provide sheltered housing efficiently and cost-effectively and we’ve met with residents, staff and other stakeholders to discuss the best way to do this in the future,” said Frances Troup, Head of Housing, Homelessness and Schoolcare Accommodation Services.
“No decisions have been taken and we’d like to encourage as much feedback as possible during the consultation, which runs until 30 June.”
Views can be provided by following this link.
All feedback received will presented to Elected Members, with the Council’s Education, Leisure and Housing Committee expected to consider the results of the consultation at a meeting in September.