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Shapinsay Digital Roadshow 2025

Date: 20 March 2025

Time: 03:00

Digital Image

A community event focused on helping people to use digital services safely whilst raising awareness around the digital switchover is being held in Shapinsay next week. 

People are invited to join representatives from The Learning Link, Orkney Scam Action Group, Trading Standards, the Council and AbilityNet (BT charity partner) at the Community Centre community rooms on Tuesday 25 March from 11am-2.30pm. 

Organisers are keen to recruit two volunteers to be trained as digital champions, with a view to exploring whether residents would be interested in a community learning hub being established on the island, supported by a digital champion and The Learning Link. 

Ewan Kennedy, the Council’s Graduate Trainee (Digital Engagement & Enterprise), said: “Through the event we are aiming to help residents and businesses learn how to protect themselves from scams, increase their digital skills whilst also raising awareness of the digital switchover. 

“We are hoping folk will drop in for some support, and that could be to ask questions and solve issues with their digital devices, like email, internet and settings or more specific asks around what the digital switchover may mean for them. Folk can stay for it all or come and go for parts that may interest them. 

“In terms of the volunteers, we are not looking for experts in digital technology, just folk who know how to use a digital device and empathise with those who struggle with tech. 

“Please join us for this important event to boost digital literacy and safety in our community.” 

Event timetable 

The Learning Link 

11am-12.30pm - presentation and discussion by The Learning Link. Topics include different scams, online safety, reporting incidents, strong passwords, two-factor authentication, phishing examples, recognising safe websites, avoiding fake websites, and safe online shopping. 

11am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-2.30pm - The Learning Link representatives will answer digital questions and provide handouts on useful topics.   

1.30pm-2.30pm - volunteer recruitment and community learning hub feedback. 

Orkney Scam Action Group and Trading Standards 

12.15pm-1.15pm - the Council’s Trading Standards Manager, Gary Foubister, will be on hand to answer questions and discuss TrueCall devices (designed to block nuisance calls). Advice will also be available around scams, how to recognise phishing emails and to encourage the following of the Orkney Scam Action Group on social media for updates on scams.  

Orkney Islands Council Digital Engagement & AbilityNet 

11am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-2.30-pm 

Representatives will be on hand to address questions and concerns about the digital switchover. It’s also a chance to ask about digital connectivity matters. 

Handouts on various topics will be available. 

  • Category:
    • Community
    • Digital Connectivity
    • Events