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Roads update for week starting 3 March 2025

Date: 28 February 2025

Time: 10:00

Roadworks Update

A summing up of road delays and closures due to road works, building and utilities works and events - for the week starting Monday 3 March 2025.   

Ongoing road works closures and delays:   

King Street, Kirkwall

Reconstruction works started on Monday 17 February 2025 and are expected to take around 5 weeks to complete. The road will be closed between School Place and Mill Street for the duration of the works. There will be limited access to the King Street car park at the Council offices (next door to the former King Street dental clinic) and the car park at No 9 King Street, with the car parks also having to be closed during some phases of the work. Check the Council’s Facebook page for updates. 

Junction Road, Kirkwall

Junction Road will be closed outside the Albert Hotel (between its junctions with the Albert Street car park and Burnmouth Road), as needed from Monday 16 September 2024, for approximately six months as building works are carried out on the Albert Hotel. A signed diversion for motorists and buses will be in place via Ayre Road, Borough Road (past the Police Station) and Great Western Road. Drivers are advised to keep to the diversions as much as possible and avoid using West Castle Street due to bus traffic. Folks wishing to use the Albert Street car park will need to approach via the Kiln Corner roundabout. 

Holm Branch Road, Kirkwall

Scottish Water started Monday 24 February 2025 to replace manhole covers along the Holm Branch Road - these works are expected to take around two weeks to complete. 

A961, St Ola

Scottish Water started carrying out repairs to the water tank between Oaklee and St Clair Farm on 24 February. The works re being carried out under two way traffic lights and are expected to take around two weeks to complete. This will cause some delays to the X1 bus service (St Margarets Hope- Stromness). 

Looking further ahead:   

Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall – SSEN are planning to carry out some cable investigation works on Pickaquoy Road between Great Western Road and Junction Road starting 10 March 2025, and are expected to take a couple of weeks with the works being carried out under temporary traffic signals. The works will affect all bus services that use Junction Road – further information in due course.

Outertown Road, Stromness - OIC will be undertaking essential ditch maintenance on Outertown Road, Stromness. The works are scheduled to commence in the mid to late March and are anticipated to take approximately three to four weeks to complete. Further information will be available nearer the time. 

Junction Rd/New Scapa Rd – Scottish Water are planning to carry out works to repair manholes covers on various areas along Junction Road/New Scapa Rd in early April 2025. The works will be mainly carried out under road closure conditions. Further information to follow closer to the beginning of the works.

Pipersquoy Road, Kirkwall -  From Thursday 24 April 2025,  SSEN will carry out  maintenance to their substation on Pipersquouy Road, Kirkwall . The works will be completed under road closure conditions. This will affect the Number 9 bus service (Kirkwall Town service). Further information to follow closer to the beginning of the works. 

  • Category:
    • Transport
    • Roads, Lighting and Parking