Play area improvement works completed at three further sites
Date: 24 March 2025
Time: 09:00

A further three play areas around Orkney have seen improvement works carried out – breathing new life into the parks at Eday Community School, the Marwicks in Stromness and Brandyquoy in Kirkwall.
The works have been carried out thanks to grant funding from the Scottish Government Playpark Renewal Funding.
Headteacher at Eday Community School, Mrs Rona Humphreys, said: “We were delighted when Katell Roche from the Council let us know that we had been selected for additional equipment in the playground. We consulted with the children about what they would like, and they were all in agreement that something for the older children would be great.
“The new climbing frame and see-saw have been hugely popular. The installation of the equipment went smoothly, and we are very grateful to Heddle Construction for lending us fencing to keep the site secure. We have such a lovely bunch of children, and this new equipment has inspired them to invent lots of new games to entertain themselves.”
The latest openings follow in the footsteps of Stronsay’s Whitehall Village play area that reopened recently with some new play equipment thanks to funding from the OIC Play Area Renewal Funding. The works were part of the bulk installation completed recently.
The Council’s Team Manager of Sport and Leisure, Katell Roche, said: “We are grateful for the ongoing support we receive from the Scottish Government Playpark Renewal Funding which assists the Council with the cost of carrying out these upgrades. It’s a time consuming and costly process to go through and we are grateful to the public for their patience with these long-aspired to improvements.”
Chair of the Council’s Education, Leisure and Housing Committee, Councillor Gwenda Shearer, said: “Many folk were keen to see some of Orkney’s play areas rejuvenated and that has now been delivered in time for Spring and Summer.
“It’s important that we have outdoor facilities that are fit for purpose, engaging and accessible. A huge amount of work goes on in the background by everyone involved to reach this point and my thanks are extended to them.”
OIC Sport and Leisure arranged the bulk install to be carried out by Scotplay, who also supplied the new play equipment, with local contractors carrying out site preparation works as required.
- Community
- Leisure and Culture