OLECG meeting update
Date: 20 May 2020
Time: 04:52
Orkney Local Emergency Co-ordination Group (OLECG) are continuing to meet virtually to monitor the response to Covid-19 across Orkney.
The current situation in Orkney is that the number of confirmed cases is well below the number that was expected at this time.
OLECG would like to thank the people of Orkney for their commitment in keeping this virus contained to a relatively low number of cases and hope this can continue when we do move into the next stage of lockdown.
As this is Mental Health Awareness week we want to make sure that people know that the organisations that offer support and help are still open.
Here are some of the organisations contact details:
Blide Trust
Orkney Citizens Advice Bureau
01856490129 or 01856871568
Relationship Scotland Orkney
Vital Talk Orkney Counselling Service
Orkney Rape and Sexual Assault Service (ORSAS)
Women’s Aid Orkney
01856877900 (Monday-Friday (am to 16:30) or 07538786885 outwith these hours.