Local opinion sought on Orkney Library & Archive services
Date: 28 February 2020
Time: 11:17
Orkney Library & Archive is looking to hear the views of local folk about the services they provide.
A survey, which opens from March 1 for at least one month, has been produced and is aimed at gathering views on the range of events and facilities the library provides. This includes customer services, the choice of books and materials, to their online and archive services, as well as the opening hours of their facilities across the county.
Principal librarian, Karen Walker, is keen to hear from local folk what they value most about the service, as well as what they would like to see improved.
“Once we have collated the responses we can review and make changes to improve our services if it’s within our ability. It is also a chance for the public to come forward with any new ideas and suggestions they may have.
“As a result of the last survey in 2017, we implemented a number of changes such as improving and updating our website; allowing more time on public computers; changing the foyer layout to allow for more comfortable seating; better signage for opening hours and improved support for Book Clubs in rural areas to name a few.”
She thanked the public for taking the time to respond previously and said she hoped for continued support in the latest survey to help improve services further.
“We want our community space to be used by all – and enjoyed by all.”
The survey can be accessed online at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/OrkneyLibraryandArchive/- for anyone unable to do this, hard copies are available from both libraries in Kirkwall and Stromness and the mobile service.