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Housing Energy Efficiency Standards Consultation Event

Date: 4 July 2018

Time: 03:56

A consultation event is being held this Tuesday (10 July) to gather views on the Scottish Government's consultation on the 'Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing’ (EESSH) post 2020.

The EESSH was introduced in March 2014 and set minimum energy efficiency ratings for social rented homes. Significant progress has already been made with the first project milestone coming up in December 2020.

The Scottish Government are now looking at what happens post 2020 and seeking tenant views.

The Orkney event takes place at Orkney Housing Association's offices from 10:00 - 12:00 noon on Tuesday 10 July. A lunch will be provided. To register to attend the event please contact Suzy Boardman on 01856875253 extension 205 or email