Household collection disruption - 11 February
Date: 11 February 2021
Time: 05:27
Orkney Islands Council is advising some refuse and recycling collections weren't able to be completed today, 11 February, due to ongoing wintry road conditions.
Areas affected are:
Area 4 Recycling: complete apart from Inganess Road down to the beach, and Berstane Loan down to Berstane Farm.
Area 14 Refuse: complete apart from Cruan and Acre Lea in Finstown.
Area 12 refuse: the following roads/properties were not completed - top of Greeny Road; some of Beaquoy Road; Aikerness; Dale and Whitemire Roads; Hundaland Rd; Lochside Rd; Wattle Rd; Nisthouse Rd; Vinbreck Rd; Barony; Fidgarth Rd; Durkadale Rd.
Households affected are asked to kindly re-present at their next relevant collection (25 February for refuse; 11 March for glass and plastic bottle recycling).
For households whose waste/refuse collection was missed, you will be able to put out surplus black bags beside your bin at your next refuse collection on 25 February.
A reminder of the facilities you can use if you're not able to hold onto your refuse/recycling until you next collection:
- Refuse can be taken to to our Hatston or Garson Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRC).
- Glass and plastic bottles can be taken to Cursiter or St. Margaret’s Hope HWRC.
The Council thanks households for their patience and apologies for the inconvenience.