‘Growing Together’ family conference inspires new collaborations, says Convener
Date: 21 November 2024
Time: 12:00

A family focused conference put together by the Council’s Community Learning, Development and Employability team has helped inspire possible new projects to support children, young people and those who care for them, says Council Convener Graham Bevan.
Last Thursday’s (14 November) ‘Growing Together’ conference was attended by a wide range of local organisations with many showcasing their services – including how they’ve evolved in recent years.
The conference was followed by a ‘marketplace’ involving nearly all the organisations at the conference, where families could witness the range of services available to support them.
OIC Convener Graham Bevan welcomed delegates, saying: “In Orkney we do care about each other and this shows through our extensive community network.
“However, as a community we also recognise that not everyone is able to take full advantage of all that Orkney has to offer. For too many it is not such a smooth journey through childhood - we do have child poverty, there is fuel poverty and we still strive to improve suitable housing.
“Some families do need support and help to overcome the many challenges that society throws at them, challenges that impact on our children and young people growing up.
“This Growing Together conference aims to give an opportunity for professionals and volunteers from family support and wellbeing organisations across Orkney to come together, network and strengthen ties using the whole family wellbeing approach.”
Following the conference, he added: “Today has been so heartening to see local practitioners who work on the front lines with our families gathering together to share their successes and explore how together we can best serve and support our young people and families.
“I wholeheartedly thank everyone who attended and therefore showed their support for our families. Judging by the excitement in the room, I am sure we will see new projects and partnerships emerge as a result.”
Keynote speaker Dr John Loughton BEM has visited Orkney before to support and inspire young people in the county. He said: “I was delighted to return to Orkney for this conference and see the determination of everyone working with young people, through a whole family approach, to ensure every young person and family has opportunity to create for themselves a rewarding and enjoyable life.”
Kerry Spence is Community Learning and Development and Employability Service Manager at the Council.
"The overall feedback that I received from people was that the conference was a brilliant and worthwhile day - and that it was much needed.
“Getting people together in the same room and hearing directly who they are and what they offer is absolutely invaluable.
“The big take away message from the day was there are so many people doing amazing things to support young people and families in Orkney, but nobody can do it on their own - so collaborative working is key. And the best way to ensure we are working together is to communicate - and events like this are a pivotal way of ensuring that happens.
“I think we all came away thinking this should be an exercise we should repeat, perhaps in different format.
“Thanks must go to the Youth Services team who saw the need to bring everyone together in a whole family approach, after an eventful few years for families.”
Chair of NHS Orkney, Megan McEwen, said: “Events like these are wonderful opportunities to learn about the dedicated services in Orkney, and also think about how we can work and grow together to fulfil our community’s potential. Thanks to those colleagues that organised the event, and John for being a truly inspirational and thought provoking speaker.”
Local organisations involved in the event were: Action for Children; Citizens Advice Bureau; the Council's Community Learning and Development and Employability service; NHS Orkney's Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the Really Young (HENRY) team as well as their Oral Health Team and School Health team; the NHS Orkney Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP); NHS Orkney Board Chair Megan McEwen; Orkney Foodbank; Orkney Health and Care Fostering and Adoption team; ORSAS (Orkney Rape and Sexual Assault Service); Relationship Scotland; Right There; Skills Development Scotland; THAW; VAO and Island Wellbeing Project; Womens Aid; Young Carers; Youth Forum. CLAN and Homestart gave their apologies for the day but are also available to help support families.
Cheryl Rafferty, Youth Services Manager for OIC, thanked everyone involved in making the day a success - she's pictured here (second from right) with members of the Council's CLDE service and keynote speaker Dr John Loughton BEM: “On behalf of the youth services team I’d like to say a huge thanks to everyone who’s supported the event, in whatever capacity.
“It was exciting to see local organisations inspired by John’s presentation, and buzzing over lunch and at the marketplace eager to talk about how they can work together more closely.
“Huge thanks also to the many local folk who donated items to the welly boot and school unform exchange.
“And I’d like to thank my wonderful team who pulled out all the stops to organise the day, make sure it was a success, and show how youth work can contribute to wider community wellbeing and change lives for the better.”
The Growing Together conference and family marketplace were supported by the Scottish Government’s Whole Family Wellbeing Fund.
- Community
- Education
- Learning and Dev. (CLD)