Feedback sought on choice-based lettings system
Date: 14 June 2018
Time: 10:02
Orkney Islands Council is asking for views on a possible change to the way its houses are let.
It is seeking feedback on whether applicants for Council properties would prefer to have more choice when selecting their home.
The Council will then consider whether to introduce a choice-based letting scheme.
OIC’s lettings policy is based on a priority pass system and this would continue if a new scheme is introduced. The system is designed to provide fairness in the way Council properties are allocated, by awarding points to applicants based on their housing needs.
Currently, when a property becomes available, it is offered to the applicant with the highest priority on the housing waiting list.
“If we moved to a choice-based lettings scheme, we would advertise the homes we have available and invite bids from people interested in a particular property,” said Frances Troup, Head of Housing, Homelessness and Schoolcare Accommodation Services.
“The applicant with the highest priority would then be awarded the property.
“We are interested to hear people’s views on choice-based lettings, and if they feel this would be a way to give applicants more choice and involvement in the process.”
Follow this link to find out more and take part in the consultation.