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Environment Partnership launches biodiversity consultation

Date: 19 June 2018

Time: 07:45

Orkney’s Community Planning Environment Partnership is seeking public views on the latest version of its Orkney Local Biodiversity Action Plan.

The Plan covers the period 2018-2022 and sets out what can be done locally to help protect habitats and species across four themes: Greenspace, Farmland, Peatland and the Marine Environment.

Membership of the Environmental Partnership’s Biodiversity Steering Group includes Orkney Islands Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, the Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, SAC Consulting, the Orkney Field Club and Heriot Watt University’s International Centre for Island Technology.

Eileen Summers is Orkney Islands Council's Environment Officer and sits on the Partnership's steering group: She said: “This is a plan for how local clubs and organisations will be working together over the next four years to support and enhance Orkney’s biodiversity.

“We’d urge everyone with an interest and appreciation in our flora and fauna to take a few minutes to read the plan and get in touch with any ideas or comments they have.”

The document is available from the Consultation and Engagement section of the Council's website, or from OIC Customer Services in Kirkwall, at Kirkwall and Stromness libraries and in the Mobile Library Van.

The consultation runs until 26 July. A member of OIC’s Development and Marine Planning team will be available throughout this period to discuss the draft document, at Customer Services at the Council Offices in Kirkwall.