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Covid-19 - OIC Working Towards Business Grant Payments for April 6

Date: 1 April 2020

Time: 01:39

Orkney Islands Council is expecting to make the first payments from the Scottish Government business grant funds on April 6.

The Council is administering the Small Business Grant Fund and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Fund on behalf of the Scottish Government.  A high number of applications have been received since the scheme opened on 24 March with the Scottish Government only finalising its guidance on 30 March. The payment of the grants is now the Council's Finance team’s highest priority and a number of staff are hard at work processing grant applications.

Payment on 6 April, rather than before that, will mean that businesses will only be liable to pay tax on the grant income in the next tax year.

The Small Business Grant Fund is a one-off £10,000 grant available for the ratepayers of properties which had a rateable value of £18,000 or less and were, on 17 March 2020:

  • In receipt of the Small Business Bonus Scheme (SBBS),
  • in receipt of Rural Relief, or
  • eligible for SBBS but in receipt of Nursery Relief or Disability Relief Fresh Start or Business Growth Accelerator Relief.               

The Retail, Hospitality, Leisure Support Grant is a £25,000 grant available for ratepayers of properties in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors with a rateable value between £18,001 and £51,000 in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.

If you have not already applied for the grant, then you can submit your grant application on the council’s website. You should include your current phone number and e-mail address so that the Council can contact you for more information about your application.