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Celebrating 20 years of Active Schools - More Children, More Active, More Often

Date: 24 September 2024

Time: 09:00

Active Schools 9951 Edited 640

This year marks 20 years of Active Schools – delivered in partnership by local authorities and sportscotland. 

For two decades, staff and volunteers have provided quality sporting opportunities to school pupils across Scotland, including Orkney – some 346,000 visits by pupils over 19,000 sessions. 

Its mantra – More Children, More Active, More Often - has remained at the heart of the work of the Active Schools team in Orkney, from across the Mainland to the outer isles. 

In addition, the Council’s Active Schools and Community Sports team have a supportive role to play in the run up to the 2025 Island Games, enthusing our local communities to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime event for Orkney. 

The Council’s Leisure and Culture Service Manager, Garry Burton, said: “The work of our Active Schools and Community Sports team – alongside volunteers and partners – has a significant impact across schools and the wider community planting the seed of sport for life whether through participating, volunteering or both.  

“From the outset Active Schools has been an accessible programme and continues to be a key platform for driving inclusion in sport. The 20th anniversary is to be celebrated, and I congratulate Active Schools Coordinators for their commendable efforts and desire to keep everyone active and leading positive lives as a result.”  

In partnership with volunteers, Active Schools deliver countless sessions to young people in Orkney every year through the likes of Play on Pedals, Bikeability, Learn to Ride, the Parasport Festival, Transition Sport, inter-school activities, golf, rugby, netball, football and the holiday programmes, which included a number of isles Active Schools activity days with school children. 

In addition, Active Schools and Community Sports Team, organise the Orkney Sports Awards – and Hall of Fame Awards, celebrating Orkney’s most iconic sportspeople, coaches, officials and volunteers with the aim of inspiring future generations.  

Active Schools Coordinator, Michael Swanney, has been with Active Schools from the beginning.  

“There isn't a ‘typical day’ in Active Schools – every day is different and can vary depending on the time of year and what is going on and that helps keep the role fresh. I would certainly like to hope that we have made a difference to the lives of children and young people through sport and that is something the team are rightly proud of. 

“Active Schools has evolved throughout the years to where we are now – and a much more localised approach to how we deliver what our communities need. Here’s to continuing to nurture our young people for the next 20 years and beyond.”  

Active Schools remit goes further, and they support in many other areas such as Young Ambassadors, Sports Leaders, volunteer coaching sessions, and will be delivering a special Island Games programme with schools and communities in the run up to Orkney 2025. 

As part of this, there are various initiatives planned to enthuse our local communities such as - ‘Walk the Isles’ with Active Schools; classroom workouts, assemblies with Orkney 2025 welcoming Ola the Orca and leadership and achievement opportunities.   

There’s lots more ideas in the pipeline from taking ‘mini games’ events in schools to ‘come and try’ sessions for all sports.  

Chair of the Council’s Education, Leisure and Housing Committee, Councillor Gwenda Shearer, said: “Active Schools has become an intrinsic part of the sporting journey for so many of our young people and key to its success has been developing effective pathways between schools and sports clubs in our local communities.  

 “On behalf of Orkney Islands Council, I commend the work of all involved over the past 20 years and look forward to what the next 20 will bring.”  

  • Category:
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    • Education
    • Leisure and Culture
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