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Caring doesn't stop at Christmas

Date: 23 December 2022

Arlene Montgomery, Manager at Crossroads Care Orkney, shares her wish for all unpaid carers this Christmas through an original poem entitled 'Caring doesn't stop at Christmas' - recited in her best Westray mother tongue!

Caring doesn't stop at Christmas

Christmas music, new hair dos, new shirts and frocks,

To staff nights out and parties, all the folk do flock.

But what about the unpaid carers, doing 24/7 care? No time to think of such things, is that really fair?

I ask you today, open your eyes, stop and think,

Is there something you could do, to ease the pressure for a blink?

Is your friend too busy to meet up, as she’s caring for her Dad?

Is your neighbour stressed out caring, looking really down and sad?

Is your colleague under pressure, juggling care and two jobs forby?

Is your friend in the classroom holding back their sobs and sighs?

Think Carer, Think Carer and Think Carer again,

What could you do to be the sunshine in their rain?

Offer a listening ear without judgement, or some time to have a break,

Often that’s all that’s needed, what a differ it can make!

Take nothing for granted, be thankful for every day,

Don’t underestimate kindness- for there’s no greater pay.

Carers Care, are amazing, truly amazing, forever wearing their carer’s hat,

Care doesn’t stop at Christmas, just cos the goose is getting fat!

Pause- think Carer and help in any way that you can,

Pledge to make a difference- pledge to make a plan.

Support those who need it, even those who appear to be fine,

Their role is so vitally important, but there is a fine line.

Carers care for a whole host of all different reasons,

They care all the time, no matter the season.

So, thank you for listening and supporting our plight,

To support our unsung heroes, be it day or be it night.

If you care for others, and feel this poem could be about you,

Phone Crossroads Care Orkney and we can help you care for you.

Enjoy yourselves over the festive, best wishes for 2023,

Let’s make this new year for Carers simply the best it can be.


  • Category:
    • Charity
    • Christmas
    • Community
    • Orkney Health and care